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  • Product details

    For those of you interested in getting a mini taste about what your own chart is about, these IN PERSON sessions we offer periodically are for you! Feel free to ask a question and tailor the reading to something specific going on. Astrology offers a window into the life and can provide great insight into every aspect of your life and what is to come. 

    Our mini astrology readers are both senior practitioners studying under Lady Samantha for over 3 years. Feel free to ask any question you like!

    Just make sure to bring your date, time, and location of birth. 
    *The time of birth is incredibly important. So please ensure it is as close to the minute as possible. 

    Sessions are 30 mins Available . 
    *Feel free to book two back to back to take advantage of the awesome price.* 

    Next Dates: 

    Sat. May 4th  11-6 pm IN PERSON  Annie 
    Sun. May 5th 11-6 pm IN PERSON Annie

    ***Please arrive 10 mins early to sign in and sign a waiver.
    Sessions are booked back and are nonrefundable. 
    Cost: $50 + HST. 

    Meet Annie
    Annie has been studying astrology, esoteric arts, sound and offering gong sessions for many years. She has been deeply impacted in her astrological studies that started in 2019 under Lady Samantha. The study includes a blend of traditional and modern approaches. Annie has been supporting The Rock Store community with gong sessions and Kundalini workshops since 2021. 

    LaurelleMeet Laurelle 
    Since studying astrology, she has begun to understand and accept parts of herself that she once found challenging. Through the practice of yoga, meditation and astrology, she has found a way to come back home to herself. She's learned the importance of holding stillness, staying grounded in the present moment and embracing the ever changing flow of life.  Laurelle aspires to encourage self-acceptance and personal growth through her offerings. You can almost always find her enrolled in a new movement, meditation or astrology course. There is always something new to learn.