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A S T R O News - Aug 2nd

02. August 2019

The intensities of the last month were felt by most but rest assured, this month offers us a gift as we say goodbye to Eclipse Season, Mercury and Jupiter Retrograde and slide into a lovely month characterized by the recent New Moon.

This past New Moon on July 31st offers us beauty, love, optimism and abundance for this next lunar cycle, with the Sun, Moon, and Venus all in Leo. If you live in Toronto, this new moon was in the 5th house of love affairs, play, creativity and enjoyment. So....enjoy yourself this month! Let your passions be instilled with new energy and feel free to let out that big proud ROAR during this Leo season! Shake it up a bit, meet some new lovers, bring a deepening of love and play into your current ones... see where productive seeds can grow in the gardens of fertility of our lives!

Be proud of yourself, the beauty that you create, inside and out and spread generosity wherever you go! With generosity to ourselves and others, we pave the way for the movement of abundance in our lives. We learn that nothing is truly stagnant, and that life is a balance of shed and invite, release and give, and attach and let go.

On Aug 8th, Venus will make a trine with Jupiter, both in fire signs which reiterate the New Moon's theme while bestowing gifts in the areas of love and adoration. These two beneficial and gift giving planets join forces to create and flow forward our desires to join together in divine union, in creativity, with our community, our 'pack' and in self love. Jupiter will station direct at 14 degrees in sagittarius on August 11th. This turning point for the BIG planet give us access to the exuberant energy of growth for the rest of the year before moving out of its supported sign. Make use of it if you can! See where sagittarius is in your chart and where there is opportunity for expansion!

Blessings to All this August Season!
With Love, From Samantha

If you would like to see where this New Moon, Venus and Jupiter affect your chart, book a natal chart reading by clicking the link in bio or through email at rocks@therockstore.ca

#astrology #mercuryretrograde #jupiter #therockstore

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